Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Hello, and welcome to Lake Mountain Doodle!  Here at Lake Mountain, we are extremely in love with our Doodle dogs and want the best for them.  After many years of dog ownership with many breeds of dogs, we believe we have found the most loving, family friendly, loyal and fun dog around. The Doodle! 
  This breed is not only loving, loyal and smart, but the best family pet available.  They are also highly "hypo-allergenic", which is very important to most families.
 Our puppies are raised in our home with bedding changed multiple times a day.  They have daily interactions with people, young children, teenagers and adults.  They are given multiple sets of deworming, first shots and beginning obedience training.  They are exposed to various social situations and stimulus,  puppy toys and strange noises like a vacuum cleaner.  Their nails are clipped, almost weekly, and they are bathed several times. We place an emphasis on the beginnings of potty training our pups so they come to you knowing about a bathroom spot. We love our little pups and want give them the best possible start in life free from disease and social anxiety.
  Choosing a family pet can be a very long process, and for us, choosing a home for our babies to go to is very important.  We want to make sure that not only are their new "paw-rents" financially able to provide for a new family member, but also able to show the love, care and time it takes to raise a pup.
  Our pups aren't just cute - although you know they are - above and beyond the time we take to play, snuggle and train, we also use a military endorsed plan of "neurological stimulation" that will give each pup what it needs to be the best pet ever! 
  So get ready to be "aww -ed"!

early neurological stimulation:

back yard breeders and puppy mills:;_ylt=AwrgEZB06Ztca_0A7g4PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByZDNzZTI1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=back+yard+breeder&fr=yhs-sz-002&hspart=sz&hsimp=yhs-002#id=23&vid=40c526025d686d80c066bb4531ab2ca8&action=view